Building Supports Phase 1 Final Report

|Housing, Immigrants, Refugees, Women

buildingsupports1finalThis May 2015 report shares research findings and five broad key themes from the Phase 1 of the project Building Supports: Housing Access for Immigrant and Refugee Women Leaving Violence. The objective was to understand the experiences of immigrant and refugee women attempting to secure safe, affordable and culturally appropriate housing after leaving domestic violence. Through an online survey of Transition House and Multi-service Agencies, interviews with Housing Managers, focus groups and interviews with women with lived experience, and a workshop with stakeholders, key themes, solutions and recommendations emerged.

Building Supports is a collaborative three-year community-based project co-led by BC Non-Profit Housing Association, BC Society of Transition Houses, and The FREDA Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children (School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University). The purpose of the project is to understand the barriers in accessing short- and long-term housing for immigrant and refugee women (IRW) leaving violent relationships, and to identify practices and policies that can facilitate the removal of barriers to safe, secure and affordable housing.

Funded by the Vancouver Foundation, and the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth. Workshop sponsorship from Simon Fraser University’s Community Engagement Initiative.

See also: Building Supports Phase 1 Infographic, and all Building Supports reports

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