CWWA 20 Most Commonly Asked Questions from New Workers

|Children, CWWA, Youth
|Best Practice, Guidebook

cwwa20The Children Who Witness Abuse Program’s 20 Most Commonly Asked Questions from New Workers provides all anti-violence workers with a rationale for working with children and youth who have been exposed to violence in the home; resource suggestions for developing a program; suggestions for community outreach, and suggestions for additional resources, which provide sample forms to assist with intake, assessment, group sessions and program evaluation.

The original Children Who Witness Abuse Program Handbook: 20 Most Commonly Asked Questions was funded by the Vancouver Foundation in 1995 and compiled by Sharon White and edited by Jodie McConnell. The BC Society of Transition Houses updated this resource in 2012 to meet the current needs of CWWA Programs. The focus of this version has changed slightly as it aims to answer questions from new CWWA workers working in existing programs. New workers may have inherited intake and assessment forms, session outlines, and CWWA policies; therefore, this document aims to fill in the gap of information that may have been lost since the inception of CWWA programs in 1992.

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