Once a safety plan is in place for mothers, youth and children in the PEACE Program, some mothers may be interested in working with PEACE Program counsellors to set goals. Goal setting can help to create direction and for some individuals, the process of goal setting can provide some clarity during a time of uncertainty.⁶
Within the context of a strength-based approach, PEACE Program counsellors can utilize the process of goal setting as a self-reflection tool, to support a fundamental belief that mothers have the strengths, resources, resiliency, and capacity to navigate the adversity which has unfolded in her life. This section highlights techniques and guidelines for supporting mothers in the PEACE Program with the goal setting process.
SMART is an acronym that PEACE Program counsellors can share with mothers to guide the goal setting process. The original SMART goal acronym was based on a quantitative method of measurement and much less strength-based in nature. The SMART acronym, outlined below, is a qualitative modification of the original acronym. It was designed to support strength-based goal setting.⁷
S – Strength-based. Goals created will build on mothers’ strengths to create direction using the skills, interests, and resources they already have.
M – Meaningful. PEACE Program counsellors should seek to support mothers in the creation of meaningful goals that will be naturally engaging and relevant in the context of their day-to-day life.
A – Authentic. Authentic goals will address mothers’ real world challenges, and they will invite mothers to take an active strengths-based approach towards new solutions.
R – Responsive. Responsive goals encourage mothers to make connections between their goals and their social reality. Specifically, responsive goals for mothers who have experienced violence may encourage her to make connections within the broader anti-violence community or join a mothers’ group at a local women’s centre.
T – Triangulated. A goal that is triangulated is referring to the multiple ways mothers and PEACE Program counsellor may determine if a goal has been achieved. For example, photos, journal entries, videos and stories can all help mothers share the ways their goal setting experience was relevant. This process of triangulation can be a way of guided strength-based self-reflection with mothers in follow-up to the goal setting process.
Questions to Support Goal-Setting with Mothers
PEACE Program counsellors can share the following questions and journaling prompts with mothers, which relate to the process of uncovering and navigating her SMART goals. PEACE Program counsellors can encourage mothers to write down answers to these questions or scribe the answers for mothers as the conversation unfolds.
- What do I want for myself?
- What do I value most?
- What keeps me motivated?
- What are my ‘first things first’? What is most important to me?
- What are my most important wants or goals?
- Is there anything that is an absolute ‘must do’ or ‘must have’ that I want to work towards?
- Do my goals fit my values?
- Are some goals more achievable than others?
- What are three short-term goals?
- What are some long-term goals? Can I outline some steps or short-term goals on the path to a long-term goal?
- What would I consider a success?
- How can I be kinder to myself?
- What is one habit or daily ritual I would like to create for myself?
Funding for this toolkit is provided for by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
© 2022 BC Society of Transition Houses.
This online guide, or any portion thereof, may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever as long as acknowledgment to the BC Society of Transition Houses is included in the product.
⁶Creative Intentions (2020) 4D Setting Goals: What Do We Want? Retrieved October 29 2021 from https://www.creative-interventions.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CI-Toolkit-Final-Section-4D-Setting-Goals-Aug-2020.pdf
⁷Creative Intentions (2020) 4D Setting Goals: What Do We Want? Retrieved October 29 2021 from https://www.creative-interventions.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CI-Toolkit-Final-Section-4D-Setting-Goals-Aug-2020.pdf