PEACE Programs have requested resources for supporting the wide range of non-offending caregivers they meet in their work. This population could include dads, grandparents, extended family, and foster-parents. The strength-based approach previously outlined can be used with all of these populations to build trusting relationships, and those strategies can continue to be employed. As a reminder, our intention is that the resources, activities, and ideas shared throughout this guide should be useful for supporting all non-offending caregivers of children and youth in the PEACE Program, not only mothers.
The goal of this section is to provide some resources to address the specific needs that some of these other caregivers may have. For example, some PEACE Programs have communicated that men are less likely to access services within a women’s centre. As an option, PEACE Program counsellors may consider an alternative meeting location with male non-offending caregivers to address this barrier. It may also be useful to create a specific list of resources for male non-offending caregivers in your community. This resource might include any local men’s group offerings and/or local private counsellors who specialize in supporting men with children who are navigating separation and divorce.
- Adoptive Families Association of BC. Grandmother to Guardian.
- Archer, C. & Gordon, C. (2013). Reparenting the child who hurts: a guide to healing developmental trauma and attachments. London: Jessica Kingsley. (Available in the BCSTH library).
- BC Foster Parents Association (BCFPA) is a provincial organization for foster parents, run by foster parents.
- BC Gov. If You’re a Child or Teen In Care.
- BC Ministry of Children and Family Development (2013) Foster Family Handbook. 5th
- HelpGuideOrg International. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren.
- Martin, M., Albrechtsons, D., MacDonald, N., Aumeerally, N. & Wong, T. (2021). Becoming parents again: Challenges affecting grandparent primary caregivers raising their grandchildren. Paediatrics & Child Health, 26 (4), pp e166–e171,
- Naish, S. (2018). The A-Z of therapeutic parenting: strategies and solutions. London: Jessica Kingsley. (Available in the BCSTH library)
- Parent Support Services Society of BC offer a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren/Kinship Care Support Line, that provides support, advocacy and resource information to grandparents and other relatives raising a family member’s child as well as to service providers and allies.
- Parent Support Services Society of BC. Kinship Care Benefits. Presentation at the Pacific Advocates Conference 2020.
Funding for this toolkit is provided for by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
© 2022 BC Society of Transition Houses.
This online guide, or any portion thereof, may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever as long as acknowledgment to the BC Society of Transition Houses is included in the product.