
Want to help? Change the world a little bit at a time? Donations made to the BC Society of Transition Houses directly funds activities to support women, children and youth who have experienced violence. Any contribution you make will be gratefully received.

(Charitable Number: 135667822 RR 0001)

If you wish to donate to a direct service program in your own community, please visit the BCSTH Directory of Programs & Services for details and contact information.

BCSTH initiatives made possible through donations include:

The BCSTH Bursary Fund (BBF) supports women with experiences of violence to access a bursary for education and employment opportunities that enhance their job-related skills and credentials. The goal of the BBF is to increase BC women’s capacity to support themselves and their dependents financially and to lead safe, meaningful, productive lives. Donations to the BBF can be made here.

Development of awareness and prevention materials for children and youth, such as postcard campaigns and violence prevention education videos.

The Violence Is Preventable (VIP) program is a free, confidential, school-based violence prevention program for school age children and youth in BC who have experienced violence. VIP links schools with PEACE counselling programs to ensure children and youth impacted by domestic violence receive the support and services they need.

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