Facilitator Guide – VIP Presentations



  • The date and time of the presentation
  • The audience and location of the presentation, and who to connect with upon arrival.
  • Equipment the school has on site, how to access the equipment, and how much time will be required to set up equipment in time for the presentation.
  • The presentation curriculum and handouts are in order.
  • Who will present during the presentation, and which school staff will be present to support classroom management and safety.

Possible Presentation Materials: 

  • USB flash drive with VIP presentation slide set and VIP resources.
  • Handouts and worksheets.
  • PEACE Program brochure.
  • VIP postcards for relevant ages.
  • VIP wallet cards with contact information added.
  • PEACE Program counsellor business cards, if applicable.
  • USB flash drive with VIP presentation slide set and VIP resources.
  • Handouts and worksheets.
  • PEACE Program brochure.
  • VIP postcards for relevant ages.
  • VIP wallet cards with contact information added.
  • PEACE Program counsellor business cards, if applicable.

Tips & Considerations for Delivery:

People lean in different ways, and there it is important to consider the different learning styles of students for your VIP presentation.


Visual Learners:
Learn through seeing…

They may think in pictures and learn best from visual displays, such as diagrams, overhead transparencies, Power Point presentations, videos, flipchards and handouts.

Auditory Learners:
Learn through listening…

They learn best through
lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say.

Tactile and Kinesthetic
Learners: Learn through
moving, doing and

They learn best through a hands-on approach, actively participating in things like role plays and small group activities.


The “Do’s”:

  • Give the student your undivided attention and listen calmly.
  • Try and contain the student to not share their story in a large classroom setting.  Try to take some time away from the large group to connect with the student.
  • Explain to the student exactly what will happen one the disclosure has been made so the student is not misled.
  • Reassure the student that the violence is not their fault.
  • Consult with the appropriate school staff.
  • Create an atmosphere of safety and trust.
  • Assist the student in making a personalized safety plan.

The “Do Not’s”:

  • Mislead the student that the crisis has passed.
  • Minimize the situation.
  • Promise secrecy.
  • Make promises of what may or may not happen next.
  • Take sole responsibility for supporting the student.

Key Messages for the Students:

  • Violence is never okay.
  • Violence is not their fault.
  • They are not alone.
  • There are safe places for women, children and youth to be sheltered.
  • There is support and help available. If appropriate, provide those referrals.


As part of school-based presentations, VIP Program facilitators distribute VIP presentation student feedback surveys in grades 4 through 12, and adult VIP awareness presentation surveys for adult participants.

The feedback surveys allow students and adults who attend VIP presentations with an opportunity to provide feedback and to shape how future VIP presentations are delivered. Additionally, feedback allows VIP and PEACE Programs to reflect on their presentations to determine what was successful and what can
be improved upon.

BCSTH collects valuable information and statistics from student and adult feedback as to the impact of the VIP Program to use in advocacy efforts.

See sample feedback forms in Appendix D.


This webinar shares considerations for doing violence prevention work with immigrant and refugee children and youth and their parents and caregivers.

If you are in immediate danger,
call your local police
or dial 9-1-1

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