If you want to help a friend who is experiencing violence and abuse from their intimate partner, there are ways you can provide practical and emotional support.
Believe her! And tell her it is not her fault.
If you want to help a friend who is experiencing violence and abuse from their intimate partner, there are ways you can provide practical and emotional support.
Believe her! And tell her it is not her fault.
Women experiencing intimate partner violence can be at high risk for danger. They can feel ashamed, confused or unstable, isolated and alone, to blame for the abuse, frightened, unable to make decisions and more.
If you know someone who needs help and a safe place to go, click here for a complete list of Transition Houses and Safe Homes in BC.
If you are in immediate danger,
call your local police
or dial 9-1-1
Suite 325, 119 W. Pender St. Vancouver BC V6B 1S5
T: 604.669.6943 or 1.800.661.1040
F: 604.682.6962
E: [email protected]
(Charitable Number: 135667822 RR 0001)
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