Finding Rooms for Families NOS Study Infographic


This infographic, created by Alina McKay (UBC), reveals the research findings from the Finding Rooms for Families Study. In 2021, the BC Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH) and researchers from the University of British Columbia (UBC) partnered on a research project to learn more about the impacts of National Occupancy Standards on women who had experienced gender-based violence and their families.

Of the eleven women interviewed, two were living in transition or second-stage housing, three were living in subsidized housing, and six lived in market rental housing. Of the six families living in market housing all of them sent 50% or more of their income on their rent. Six of the eleven families were under-housed according to National Occupancy Standards (i.e. needed more bedrooms based on the size and composition of their family). Eight of the eleven women (73%) identified as a visible minority.

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