Break the Silence follows brother and sister, Riley and Julie, who are exposed to violence at home. After participating in a VIP presentation at school, Julie contemplates breaking her silence about violence against her mother and seeking support for her brother Riley. Intertwined in this short video are other factors that stem from children’s and youth’s exposure to violence against their mothers. Dating violence, harassment and the impact that exposure to violence has on education, while promoting non-violence pro-community social attitudes, are evident.
This video is intended to increase awareness about violence against women and the impact of children’s and youth’s exposure to violence at home. Break the Silence is primarily designed as a presentation resource to older middle school and high school students in facilitated violence prevention education sessions. It may also be suitable for use in health and career education curriculum units as well as for students participating in CWWA group counselling sessions. This video is not intended to be shown without the presence of a Children Who Witness Abuse Counsellor or another informed discussion facilitator. Facilitators should refer to curriculum and resources available through BCSTH prior to showing the video.
About CWWA & VIP:
This educational dramatization is a resource for Children Who Witness Abuse (CWWA) Counsellors undertaking violence prevention activities within schools through the Violence Is Preventable (VIP) Program. The VIP program links CWWA community programs with BC schools. The aim of the VIP project is to break the silence on violence against women and girls and provide safe spaces for students to speak up about violence at home in schools. VIP offers free educational prevention presentations to educators, caregivers and students and links school aged children and youth to CWWA counselling services and other programs that support children and youth exposed to violence at home.
See also: Study guide