VIP – Grade 10 – 12 Lesson Plan and Ministry of Education Curriculum

The VIP curriculum aligns with the Ministry of Education (MOE) curriculum used for grades 10, 11 and 12. PEACE Programs can demonstrate to schools and educators the ways in which the VIP Program supports and enhances desired MOE curriculum outcomes. Details about the MOE Curricular Complacencies that align with the VIP Program are outlined below.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) Physical and Health Education (PHE) Curriculum empowers students to develop a personalized understanding of healthy living.

The PHE Curricular Competencies reflected in this lesson plan are:

  1. To describe the impact of various types of physical activities on health and mental well-being.
  2. To demonstrate reasoned decision-making related to personal health and well-being.

The MOE Social Justice 12 Curriculum prepares grade 12 students with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to be informed and active citizens. The Social Justice 12 Big Ideas reflected in this lesson plan are:

  1. Social justice issues are interconnected;
  2. Social justice initiatives can transform individuals and systems;
  3. Individual worldviews shape and inform our understanding of social justice issues; and,
  4. The causes of social injustice are complex and have lasting impacts on society.

The grade 10-12 lesson plan reflects the MOE PHE 10, PHE 11, PHE 12, and Social Justice 12 Curriculum. The VIP curriculum lesson plan also supports the Career-Life Connections (CLC) curriculum.

The grades 10-12 lesson plans are a series of 45 to 60 minute workshops that links the MOE curriculum to the VIP main messages. If you do not have time to offer all four presentations, we suggest offering just the first lesson plan or offering a condensed version of the four presentations in two 60 to 75 minute sessions.

Day 1

• Welcome
• Violence Against Women
• Safety Planning
• Three Main Messages
• Introductions and Land Acknowledgement
• Introduce the Objectives of the Presentation
• Dialogue to Introduce the Video
• Activity – Watch and Discuss a Video
Sunshine – Don’t Confuse Love & Abuse How to Leave an Abusive relationship
• Activity – Support Network Brainstorm
• Activity – Discuss patterns of abuse and safety planning
• Three Main Messages of VIP
• Anonymous comments and questions
• Closing
• Evaluate and explore personal strategies including social and physical to maintain well-being. (CLC)
• Demonstrate and reflect on inclusive respectful and safe interactions in multiple career-life contexts. (CLC)
• Self-Identity and an Individual’s relationship to others (Social Justice 12)
• `Social Injustices in Canada and the world affecting individuals, groups and society. (Social Justice 12)
Day 2

• Healthy Relationships vs Unhealthy Relationships
• Introductions and Land Acknowledgement
• Dialogue to Introduce the Presentation
• Follow – up from the previous presentation with anonymous questions and themes
• Activity – Brainstorm list of things we want in a healthy relationship and a list of things we don’t want in a healthy relationship
• Activity – Listening Exercises in Partners
• Activity – Watch and Discuss Video
What Teens Think About: Healthy Relationships
• Activity – Small Group Discussion
• Activity – Watch a Video (optional)
12 Early Signs that a Relationship Won’t Last
• Closing
• Explore and describe the impact of transition and factors that shape changing personal identities, including social and cultural factors. (CLC)
• Explore and describe the impact of transition and factors that shape changing personal identities, including social and cultural factors. (CLC)
• Self-Identity and an Individual’s relationship to others (Social Justice 12)
• To communicate personal strengths, preferences, views and values. (CLC)
• Demonstrate safety, fair play and leadership. (PHE 11)
Day 3

• Cycle of abuse and Consent
• Introductions and Land Acknowledgement
• Dialogue to Introduce the Presentation
• Activity – Watch and Discuss Video.
Cycle of Violence
• Activity – Group Discussion: How to Leave an Abusive Relationship
• Activity – Watch and Discuss Video.
-When Someone Doesn’t Want to Have Sex: What is Consent
-One Colour
• Activity – Small Group Discussion
• Closing
• Explore and describe the impact of transition and factors that shape changing personal identities, including social and cultural factors. (PHE 11/12).
• Self-Identity and an individual’s relationship to others. (Social Justice 12)
• Inclusive and Non- inclusive Language. (Social Justice 12)
• Dispute and Conflict resolution pathways. (Social Justice 12)
• To communicate personal strengths, preferences, views and values. (CLC)
• Demonstrate safety, fair play and leadership. (PHE 11)
Day 4

• Online Health and Safety
• The Bystander Effect
• Introductions and Land Acknowledgement
• Dialogue to Introduce the Presentation
• Activity – Watch and Discuss Video
-Social Media, Social Life: Teens Reveal Their Experiences
-That’s Not Cool – PSA
• Activity – Watch and Discuss Video
Stand Against Bullying. Don’t be a Bystander The Bystander Effect | The Science of Empathy Anti-Bullying Flash Mob
• Closing
• Make reasoned ethical judgements about controversial actions in the past or present after considering the context and standards of right and wrong. (Social Justice 12)
• Self-Identity and an individual’s relationship to others. (Social Justice 12)
• Explore and evaluate personal strategies, including social and physical to maintain well- being. (CLC)
• Potential short and long- term consequences of health decisions. (PHE 11/12)

Continue to the Next Day

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