VIP – Grade 10 – 12 Lesson Plan and Ministry of Education Curriculum | Day 4


Length of session 45-60 minutes

What You Need for this Presentation:

VIP Slide set, flip chart, markers, laptop, projector, speakers, Wi-Fi.


Take a few minutes to remind the class who you are, where you are from and why you are returning to their classroom. Let them know that this will be your last time visiting their classroom.

  • Acknowledge the traditional territory you are on.
  • Lead the class to remember what the VIP class “agreement” or “guidelines” from Day 1 are to help make the classroom a safe space for VIP work. Review the previous list together on the board, or flip chart and add to it if necessary. Post the list so it is visible throughout the presentation.
  • Review briefly the topics discussed during the previous sessions and discuss any additional housekeeping matters such as, one person speaking at a time, raising hands for questions and comments, self-care.
  • These topics can be upsetting to think about or discuss and it is important to remind the students to take care of themselves. You can ask the teacher beforehand as to what is appropriate in terms of self-care in the school setting, such as stepping outside of classroom for a few minutes or going to the bathroom or visiting the school counsellor. Remind the class that you will be available after every session if anyone needs support or has questions.

Dialogue to Introduce the Presentation

“Today we are going to talk about online safety and the bystander effect. Similar to topic of healthy and unhealthy relationships, these issues can be found in intimate relationships, social networks and friendships. This topic can be upsetting for those in the room who have experienced bullying online or in person and for anyone who has had their trust violated online. As a reminder, please take care of
yourselves and I will be available after class.”


Activity – Watch & Discuss Videos

The culture of online communication and social networking has changed rapidly in the last five years, making it challenging to understand and comprehend in a timely manner both the positive and negative impacts online communication has on the social lives of children and youth.

After watching these videos, split the class into small groups and discuss the challenges and strengths that social media and online communication have on their capacity to contribute to healthy relationships for both friendships and romantic relationships.

Invite students to create a list of the ways that they can stay safe and create boundaries in online relationships. Ask them what this looks like in real life, and the ways in which they observe social media and online communication impacting communication skills. When you bring them back together as a class, invite them to share what was discussed in their groups.

Activity – Watch & Discuss Videos

You may choose to watch all of these videos, or just select ones, with the class.

  • Robert Land Academy. (October 16, 2012). Stand Against Bullying. Don’t be a Bystander

    This video was created by a boy’s school and emphasizes the importance of not being a bystander and acknowledges how most of us are, at some point, a bystander to bullying and violence.
  • SoulPancake. (November 16, 2017). The Bystander Effect | The Science of Empathy

    This video is about the science of empathy and some key factors that drive us to help other people. Although not directly related to relationships, it is interesting to see how students can make the connections between the scenarios in this video and social settings they may be exposed to around
    school and in their social lives in general.

  • Boogaloo Academy (February 5, 2011). Anti-Bullying Flash Mob

    An inspired video of Vancouver teens who created a flash mob in response to bullying and teen violence. This video would be particularly relevant in a Social Justice 11/12 class.

After the videos, break into small groups and spend some time discussing and sharing the topics and questions below and make it clear that safety planning is at the forefront when considering the role of the bystander. Students are also encouraged to talk to trusted adults to ensure safety for all when youth are considering becoming active bystanders online, at home and in social situations.

  • What is the role of a bystander in online forums and social media?
  • What are the steps we can take if we know someone is being bullied or harassed online? Review the safety plan and consider making a safety plan with students for how to navigate staying safe online.
  • Have you ever witnessed or been an active bystander?
  • Come up with creative ideas to engage your school or your community in an anti-violence campaign. Some examples you might suggest are making short films in support of healthy relationships, an art installation or spoken word poetry night at their school.


Thank them again for being a wonderful class. Acknowledge that you have now spent 3-4 hours discussing topics that are incredibly important for being safe. Let them know that sometimes topics like the ones we discussed today can make us sensitive and uncomfortable.

Furthermore, relationships are complex and the issues we have discussed are issues we have to continue to be aware of as we grow and mature in our lives.

Remind them that abusive relationships are not uncommon, and to take the time to self-reflect about what we want and need to be safe and happy in our relationships is important. Remind them to reach out to a trusted adult if they feel unsafe or have questions about anything that doesn’t feel right in any of their relationships.

Please remind students of your contact information and what information you will be sending home with them, such as VIP post cards, VIP wallet cards, agency brochure, PEACE Program brochure, and any other additional resources. These may vary for each VIP site.

If you are in immediate danger,
call your local police
or dial 9-1-1

Safety Check!

If you think someone is monitoring your devices, visit this webpage from a computer, tablet or smartphone that isn’t being monitored.

EXIT NOW from this website and delete it from your browser history.

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