VIP – Grade 7 – 9 Lesson Plan and Ministry of Education Curriculum

The VIP curriculum aligns with the Ministry of Education (MOE) curriculum used for grades 7, 8 and 9. PEACE Programs can demonstrate to schools and educators the ways in which the VIP Program supports and enhances desired MOE curriculum outcomes. Details about the MOE Curricular Complacencies that align with the VIP Program are outlined below.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) Physical and Health Education (PHE) Curriculum empowers students to develop a personalized understanding of healthy living.

The PHE Curricular Competencies reflected in the grades 7-9 lesson plan are:

  1. To describe the impact of various types of physical activities on health and mental well-being.
  2. To demonstrate reasoned decision-making related to personal health and well-being.

The MOE for Career Education supports students practice respective and inclusive behaviours and leadership skills that can be used in the workplace.

The Career Education Core Competencies reflected in this lesson plan are:

  1. Recognize the influence of peers, family, and communities in our decision making and choices.
  2. Questioning self and others about the reciprocal relationship between self and community.
  3. Appreciate the importance of respect, inclusivity and other positive behaviours in diverse collaborative learning environments.
Day 1

• Welcome!
• Safety Planning
• Three Main Messages
• Introductions and Land Acknowledgement
• Introduce the Objectives of the Presentation
• Dialogue to Introduce the Video
• Activity – Watch and Discuss a Video
Sunshine – Don’t Confuse Love & Abuse How to Leave an Abusive relationship
• Activity – Discuss patterns of abuse and safety planning
• Three Main Messages of VIP
• Anonymous comments and questions
• Closing
• Demonstrate and reflect on inclusive respectful and safe interactions in multiple career-life contexts.
• To demonstrate reasoned decision making related to personal healthy and well-being.
Day 2

• Healthy Relationships
• Introductions and Land Acknowledgement
• Follow – up from the previous presentation with anonymous questions and themes
• Activity – Brainstorm list of things we want in a healthy relationship and a list of things we don’t want in a healthy relationship
• Activity – Listening Exercises in Partners
• Activity – Watch and Discuss Video
What Teens Think About: Healthy Relationships
• Activity – Small Group Discussion
• Activity – Watch a Video (optional)
12 Early Signsthat a Relationship Won’t Last
• Understand symptoms of stress and anxiety in relationships.
• Questioning self and others about the reciprocal relationship between self and community.
• Demonstrate safety, fair play, and leadership.
• Recognize the influence of peers, family, and communities in our decision making and choices.
Day 3

• Online Health and Safety
• The Bystander Effect
• Dialogue to Introduce the Presentation
• Activity – Watch and Discuss Videos related to Online relationships, social media and grooming.
• Discuss Safety Planning Online.
• Activity – Watch and Discuss Video related to the Bystander Effect and Empathy. Discuss how this might relate to supporting our peers if/when we think they may be engaging in unsafe behaviour online and/or we feel we are observing them in an unsafe relationship.
• Closing
• Recognize the influence of peers, family, and communities in our decision making and choices.
• Self-Identity and an individual’s relationship to others.
• Explore and evaluate personal strategies, including social and physical to maintain well-being.

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