‘Taking steps to broaden our lens, and to ensure our service approaches reflect the diverse experiences of women, will create more accessible, safer options for the diverse women experiencing violence and who are in need of support. In addition to employing culturally safe practices, we should have awareness of the diverse experiences of violence and should integrate relevant tools into our practice that reflect diversity; this can play an important role in how we connect with women, and assist them to understand and heal from their experiences.’¹

This chapter aims to acknowledge and support the gaps PEACE Program counsellors may feel when supporting mothers from diverse cultural backgrounds. Specifically, this chapter will review cultural safety as outlined in pages 280-282 of the PEACE Program Toolkit, outline holistic approaches for building trust, and empower PEACE Program counsellors with resources to better support mothers from diverse cultures. We also recommend familiarizing yourself with two sections of the PEACE Program Toolkit on supporting Indigenous families (p.302-308) and supporting immigrant and refugee families (p.309-312).

Chapter Overview

a) Cultural Safety
b) Building Trust with Culturally Diverse Mothers
c) Resources for Supporting Mothers from Diverse Communities

Funding for this toolkit is provided for by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

© 2022 BC Society of Transition Houses.
This online guide, or any portion thereof, may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever as long as acknowledgment to the BC Society of Transition Houses is included in the product.

¹BCSTH (2016) Building Supports. Promising Practices for Supporting Immigrant & Refugee Women Leaving Violence. P. 12. Retrieved from

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