BCSTH Legal Toolkit: General Information About Legal Issues and Court Matters in British Columbia

|Aboriginal Women, CWWA, Disablity, Immigrants, Legal, Records Management, Refugees

BCSTH Legal Toolkit 2016

legaltoolkitThe purpose of the toolkit is to provide front line workers with legal information and resources tailored to meet the needs of the anti-violence sector.

It includes an overview of courts and legal resource, Affadavit writing, preparing a client to be a witness in court, program participants records, records management, records retention and destruction, immigrant and refugee legal information, disability legal information, Indigenous legal information, and PEACE legal information.

See also: Webinars – Transition House Webinar: BCSTH Legal Toolkit Overview, and CWWA: BCSTH Legal Toolkit Overview.

Funding: Supported through a contribution from the Civil Forfeiture Office in partnership with Victim Services and Crime Prevention Division, Ministry of Justice, Province of British Columbia. The BC Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH) gratefully acknowledges the Ministry of Justice for generously funding this toolkit.

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