Transportation Barriers for Women Experiencing Violence in Northern BC

This infographic illustrates how the public transportation options in Northern BC are currently not able to meeting all the specific needs of women experiencing violence. The limited transit routes, bus stop locations and infrequent service make it difficult for women to travel to escape from a violent situation or travel between communities to access anti-violence, legal, or medical supports. Women also face a lack of access to information about available transportation options and policies, such as ID requirements, pet restrictions, and funding for tickets. As a result, women may have to reschedule appointments multiple times or choose to remain in a violent relationship. Unfortunately, hitchhiking may be seen as the only option for some women, which can put them at further risk of violence. Building awareness, confidentiality and trust are crucial factors to creating safe transportation for women.

BCSTH has been working on gathering research on women-centered transportation and building partnerships between anti-violence organizations and transportation providers in Northern BC. To find out more about our work, take a look at the BCSTH Transportation Project report at If you are interested in current transportation providers in Northern BC and how to book a trip, please see:

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