VIP – Grade 4-6 Lesson Plan & Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education (MOE) Physical and Health Education (PHE) Curriculum empowers students to develop a personalized understanding of healthy living.

The PHE Big Ideas reflected in this lesson plan are:

  1. We experience many changes in our lives that influence how we see ourselves and others.
  2. Healthy choices influence our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  3. Understanding our strengths, weaknesses and personal preferences helps us plan and achieve our goals.

The Career Education Core Competencies reflected in this lesson plan are:

  1. Family and community relationships can be a source of support and guidance when solving problems and making decisions.
  2. Safe environments depend on everyone following safety rules.
  3. Students are expected to demonstrate safe behaviours in a variety of environments.
  4. Appreciate the influence of peer relationships, family and community on personal choices and goals.

The VIP curriculum is developed in a series of three workshops highlighting the central VIP Program themes and linking them to the BC curriculum. If you only have the ability to deliver one presentation, we
suggest delivering the Day 1 lesson plan.

Citations for activity resources can be found in Appendix B

Day 1

• Welcome!
• Safety Planning and 3 main messages
• Introductions and Land Acknowledgement
• Dialogue to Introduce yourself and the presentation.
• Grounding Exercise
• Activity Options
• Closing
• Describe what safety feels like.
• Build communication skills through sharing and listening.
• Identify strategies and skills to use in potentially unsafe situations and how to respond to violent or unsafe people.
Day 2

• Healthy Relationships
• Introductions and Land Acknowledgement
• Dialogue to Review the previous presentation and introduce this presentation.
• Video: Friendship Soup
• Group Discussion
• Grounding Exercise
• Closing
• Describe qualities of a healthy relationship and a good friend. Understand how we care for each other?
• Learning about ourselves and others allows us to build caring attitudes and behaviours and enables us to maintain healthy relationships.
• Appreciate the influence of peer relationships, family and community on personal choices and goals.
Day 3

• Emotional Expression and Self Care
• Introductions and Land Acknowledgement.
• Dialogue to Introduce the Presentation
• Activity – Small Group Discussion
• Closing
• Our physical, emotional, and mental health are interconnected..
• Making healthy choices helps us look after ourselves and others.
• Healthy choices influence our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Continue to the Next Day

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or dial 9-1-1

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