Through the Keys to Home Gaps Analysis, the BC Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH) heard from anti-violence workers that there is a gap in knowledge, resources and training for women-centred best practices for operational policies and procedures. To help bridge this gap, BCSTH has received funding through the Community Housing Transformation Centre to provide a free webinar series, “Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Building Capacity for Women-Centred Housing Operations.” This webinar series highlights women-centred operational practices that are informed by an understanding of violence and trauma-informed practice. The series has been developed through consultation with the BCSTH membership through a province-wide survey as well as focus groups with engagement from across BC in both urban and rural locations. Additionally, women with lived experience of violence shared their input on how they would like to be involved in shaping programs and services. The series will be a total of ten webinars ranging in topics identified as learning priority areas from the BCSTH membership. Accompanying each webinar are various curated resources to supplement the webinar training.
Beyond Bricks and Mortar Webinar Topics and Related Resources:
- Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Lessons Learned in Operating Second Stage Housing
- Beyond Bricks and Mortar: The Residential Tenancy Act from a Women-Centred Lens
- Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Lessons Learned in Providing Culturally Safe Women-Centred Housing Operations
- Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Lessons Learned in Supporting Survivors of Abuse Caused Brain Injury
- Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Lessons Learned in Centring Survivors Voices in Programs and Services