
The BC Society of Transition Houses provides support to Transition, Second and Third Stage Houses, Safe Homes and PEACE (formerly Children Who Witness Abuse) and Violence is Preventable programs in British Columbia through training, advocacy, research and resources.

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Transition Houses: Provide short- to long-term shelter and related support services to women, children, and youth who have experienced or are at risk of violence Offer temporary safe shelter and...
Second Stage Houses: Provide service-enhanced affordable temporary housing for women, children and youth who have recently experienced violence Offer women, children and youth secure, affordable housing for 3 to 12...
Third Stage Houses: Provide supportive housing for women who have left violent relationships and who no longer need crisis service support Offer independent long-term housing with lengths of tenancy from...
Safe Homes: Are community-based networks of private homes that shelter women and their children Typically offer short stay placements, but can be longer if needed Provide outreach services in small...
Resources for PEACE Program Counsellors This online toolkit provides PEACE programs with resources to support their work with children, youth, caregivers and delivering the Violence Is Preventable (VIP) Program. PEACE...


VIP programs: Learn more about the VIP Program by watching this short video here, which was designed to support VIP Sites when reaching out to schools, educators, PACS, and school...

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