Supporting Mothers in the PEACE Program

This online guide is designed to provide practical tools, resources and education for PEACE Program counsellors working to support mothers of children and youth in the PEACE Program. The guide is intended to enhance the time PEACE Program counsellors spend with mothers and is an additional resource to the PEACE Program Toolkit, which includes a chapter on ‘Working with Parents’ (p. 253). BCSTH recommends that PEACE Program counsellors familiarize themselves with this information prior to working with this document. A Note on Usability A few tips to assist you to navigate effectively this online toolkit:
  • Pressing CTRL when clicking on any links will open these in a new window, so you won’t lose your place.
  • Find Tool (CTRL+F) – Pressing and holding the Ctrl key while pressing the F key will allow you to search for words or phrases within a webpage or document. You can press Enter to advance to the next result.
Word of Caution: Some of documents in this Toolkit are available as read only documents on the BCSTH website with the option to download the PDF version of each handout. However, if you are reading this Toolkit on an “unsafe” computer, laptop or device, do not download the PDF versions as they may automatically save in your download folder. Some documents will download automatically when you click on the hyperlink in these documents and save a copy. An “unsafe” technological device would be one that you suspect is being monitored by the abuser.
a Note on Terminology The term “women” used in this document refers to and is inclusive of all self-identified women. While we recognize that gender-based violence has significant impacts on cis-gender women and girls in Canada, we also acknowledge that 2SLGBTQQIA+ and gender non-conforming people are disproportionately impacted by experiences of violence. In addition, the term mothers is used throughout this document to maintain and support the feminist lens as the foundation for the work that PEACE Programs do. While it is true, of course, that violence occurs in same-sex relationships and that women can be abusive towards their male partners, it is also true that, statistically, the majority of violence in families is perpetrated by men against women. In addition, it is this violence by men against women that is and has been condoned socially to control women. For these reasons, throughout this document we adopt a gendered understanding of violence in relationships and use the term mother to refer to the non-offending mother or caregiver. BCSTH acknowledges that, in addition to mothers, PEACE Programs may support e.g., fathers, grandparents, foster parents, extended family etc. BCSTH is hopeful that the resources, activities, and ideas shared throughout this guide will be useful for supporting all caregivers of children and youth in the PEACE Program. A Note on Resources The resources provided in this guide are primarily aimed at supporting PEACE Program counsellors. Some resources may be helpful to share with mothers. Remember, not all mothers will have time to read handouts and information. It might be helpful to go through the most relevant handouts with mothers during a check-in, or group or individual session for mothers. Throughout this guide, we have acknowledged where books listed are available to borrow from the BCSTH Library.


  1. Education about the PEACE Program for Mothers
  2. Strategies for Supporting Mothers
  3. Skills Development for PEACE Program Counsellors Working with Mothers
  4. Cultural Considerations for Working with Mothers
  5. BCSTH Library Resources to Support PEACE Program Counsellors Working with Mothers

Funding for this toolkit is provided for by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

© 2022 BC Society of Transition Houses.
This online guide, or any portion thereof, may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever as long as acknowledgment to the BC Society of Transition Houses is included in the product.

BCSTH gratefully acknowledges the members of the Advisory Committee who shared their wisdom, experience and feedback throughout the development of this online guide:

Andrea Sentesy – Howe Sound Women’s Centre Society
Cheryl Nowshadi
– Cowichan Women Against Violence Society
Crystal Kneller – Kelowna Women’s Shelter
Felicity Tuck – Cariboo Friendship Society
John Dube – Family Services of the North Shore
Linah Kareem – DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society
Lori-Ann Armstrong – Phoenix Transition House Society

We also gratefully acknowledge the PEACE Program counsellors who participated in consultations and shared resources to assist with the development of this guide.

Written by: Sarah Manwaring-Everett

Editors: Amy FitzGerald, Tina Chau, Nicky Bowman

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